WordPress 404 Errors

If you are experiencing 404 ‘page not found’ errors when you try to open a page or post on your WordPress site then there are a couple of super quick and easy fixes to try out before you dive deeper or contact support.

Give each of these a try, and then check your posts again. It’s quite likely that one of them will solve the problem:

  • Clear caches: In your WordPress dashboard, click the LiteSpeed Cache icon in the top bar (the diamond shaped one) and then select ‘Purge All’.
  • Resave permalinks: In the WP dashboard, go to ‘Settings’ then ‘Permalinks’. Do not change anything but click on the ‘Save Changes’ button at the bottom of the page.

If neither of those have worked, then try the following:

  • Fix permissions: Log into your S4 Server Admin panel, select the site you are having issues with and open the ‘File Manager’. Click on the ‘Fix Permissions’ button at the top of the page.

In most cases, one of the above solutions will have solved the problem.

If they haven’t then the most likely cause is that you have recently changed your WordPress theme, installed or updated a plugin, or made changes to your wp.config or .htaccess files. Try to reverse the changes or disable/uninstall the new plugin or theme.